Dubophonic Netlabel from Cyprus distributes mainly freely downloadable, Creative Commons licensed music on the internet. The label provides exclusive releases of quality dub music, from artists who are dedicated and passionate about their work. The releases are offered in digital format for free download.
We retain focus on the art of dub music in its most diverse forms, whether it is electronic or acoustic/organic, roots or steppers, classic or contemporary. We are especially interested to promote crossover projects, fusing dub music with other genres of music, defining the outest boundaries of dub.
Apart from the free releases, we have recently started a new series of VIP releases. These releases are of higher quality (better mixing and mastering, more collaborations) and are offered for digital downloads and also on CD. All money coming from VIP releases are equally split between the artists and the label and are invested in the administration of the label, in order to be able to continue providing you with more free music.
We retain focus on the art of dub music in its most diverse forms, whether it is electronic or acoustic/organic, roots or steppers, classic or contemporary. We are especially interested to promote crossover projects, fusing dub music with other genres of music, trying to define the outest boundaries of dub.
Where can I find them?
Web / Soundcloud / Facebook / Twitter / YouTube